Media coaching primer – an introduction

media training and crisis communication
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This is our media coaching and crisis communication program that we have honed and delivered very successfully to all our clients through more than 30 years in consulting. We have coached startups, tech companies, industrial and manufacturing businesses, healthcare related businesses such as hospitals and products, fast moving consumer goods companies in fashion, audio visual equipment, hospitality, non-profits, and many more. Watch the YouTube trailer below.

We have several versions of this program for the C-suite executives and business leaders. We have a full media coaching program that covers all kinds of media, with crisis communication components, and a simulated television interview and critique at the end of the program. We have a shorter version without the crisis communication component, with or without the simulated television interview and critique. We have a much shorter version just for broadcast and online audio video interviews, without the crisis communication component. The whole program is customizable depending on the client, if they desire extra consulting and customization.

We will normally talk through the evolution of the media landscape in the Asia Pacific, and how that relates to the global media and political scene. We examine the importance of respecting the agenda of the media in serving their stakeholders, who are the audiences and readers, who in turn can be our prospects and customers. We cover the fundamental questions journalists will always ask, and how to prepare for interviews, whether that be for print, broadcast, or online. For each type of media, whether print, broadcast or online, what should we as spokespersons prepare for and provide them.

We also run through the dynamics and essentials of media interviews. For rapid response and newsjacks, how should we as spokespersons be prepared for? How do we communicate and relate well with journalists? And if there are difficult questions or questions we wish to avoid, how should we deal with them? What is a simple and effective way of telling compelling stories? How can we adopt simple aviation leadership and crisis management principles in handling media crises? And we end with a simulated television interview with critique.

To engage us for retained public relations (PR), business strategy consulting, digital marketing, leadership transformation, media coaching and crisis communication, contact us now.



Dr Seamus Phan – Global C-suite Publicist & Strategist (Biochemist, Cybersecurity & Webdev pioneer, Author, Journalist) with 37 years of professional field experience.