6 Reasons Why PR is the best way to build brands and win customers

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Public Relations (PR), well known and entrenched for many businesses, and not quite understood by a minority. PR is NOT just media relations, news releases and media conferences. PR is a holistic way of reaching all stakeholders, including the media, governments, customers and prospects, institutions, non-profits, and more. It is a sustainable way of communication and reputation management, and one of the best ways to deal with crises, before they happen, or as they happen.

“It takes 20 years to build a reputation and 5 minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.” – Warren Buffet

One of the foremost investors, Warren Buffet, certainly understood how brands can take decades to build, and minutes to demolish.

Sir Richard Branson said “publicity is absolutely critical” in his book “Virgin Rebel”.

Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft said “If I was down to my last dollar, I would spend it on public relations”.

Public Relations (PR) is the secret weapon smart companies use to build brands, win the trust of prospects and customers.

How? Let us share the 6 Reasons:

1) Trusted

Simplistically, advertising is you telling the world how good your products are, while public relations (PR) is having trusted third parties (journalists) telling the world how good you are.

2) Affordable

While sustained advertising is expensive, PR is affordable. A retained PR program is akin to having a whole team of tenured experts and practitioners working for you while you pay only for a mid-level manager every month.

3) Branding

PR is a great way of branding for companies, products, and people. Your CEO and other executives who can steadily appear in the media, will become brands and personality brands over time. Customers buy from people they know (directly or indirectly).

4) Sustainable

A retained PR program means you have a team of communicators always at your side, an extension of your marketing team. Even if you face a challenge or a crisis, your PR agency partner team will assist you in reviewing and optimizing all your communication strategies.

5) Prepared

Your PR agency partner can train your CEO and executives to be ready for media interviews, press conferences, TV and radio appearances, or during a crisis. Your executives will become confident to face the world, and to communicate their best to customers and the world.

6) Measurable

PR is more than just media coverage, but also social media outreach, and quality and tone (positive or negative mention of you) in the media. A good measurement yardstick is the AMEC Barcelona Principles.

To get the best PR for your B2B (cybersecurity, automation, industrial, healthcare) and B2C brand, talk to us.



Dr Seamus Phan – Global C-suite Publicist & Strategist (Biochemist, Cybersecurity & Webdev pioneer, Author, Journalist) with 37 years of professional field experience.